Japanese Sense of Beauty

2015.4.15 - 9.8

Hiro Haraguchi Salon
East 57th St. Suite 400
New York, NY 10022

今回の写真展は、書、茶、能、狂言、文楽、日本舞踊といった複数のジャンルの伝統芸能、人間国宝を含むパフォーマー達の瞬間をとらえており、ジャンルを超えて共通する美、すなわち「静の中にある動」、「動の中にある静」:Japanese sense of beautyを表している。日本の伝統文化の本質を感じる渾身のワンショットをご覧ください。


関根祥六 関根祥人 関根祥丸 宝生閑(人間国宝) 山本東次郎(人間国宝) 山本凜太郎




西川扇蔵(人間国宝) 西川祐子




Japanese Sense of Beauty

2015.4.15 - 9.8

Hiro Haraguchi Salon
East 57th St. Suite 400
New York, NY 10022

The essence of Japanese tradition will be shown at The Big Apple, New York, from April 15th until October 31st, 2015. This exhibition will take place at the ‘Wart Gallery’, which is placed on the Madison Avenue in Manhattan, very close to the Central Park. where visitors can intimate themselves with Japanese aesthetic sensitivity. This time we hold a photograph exhibition, capturing the moments of Japanese traditional performance art in calligraphy, tea ceremony, drama (Noh), play (Kyogen), puppet theater (Bunraku) and dance (Nihon Buyo). The exhibition aims at highlighting the beauty that is shared across the various genres of Japanese traditional performing arts, namely the sense of dynamism within stillness, and stillness within dynamism. We hope that you can feel the essence of Japanese traditional art through the photographs featuring leading performers, several of them designated as Japan’s National Treasures.